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martes, 9 de abril de 2013

Astrid Lindgren II: The Brothers Lionheart.

The book Bröderna Ljonhjärta (in English ``the Brothers Lionheart´´) was published by Astrid Lindgren in the autumn of 1973 and has been translated into 46 languages. The book was written for children but some people think that it should be considered as heavy or dark genre book. This is because it talks, for example, about the meaning of death, the concept of disease, tyranny, betrayal and rebellion. The lighter themes are loyalty, courage and pacifism. A.Lindgren wrote the book to explain children some themes considered as taboo for the society. She received a lot of criticism from some people, for example, because they thought the book promoted suicides. But it also received a lot of praises from many other people around the world. That’s why ``The Brother Lionheart´´ is seen as a controversial book. 

After reading Pipi Longstocking, I wanted to read this book to try something different from Astrid. I was surprise.


Here we have two brothers who love each other more than any couple with children in the world. Their relationship is so strong that it is impossible to move them away. One of the brother is Karl Leon, a 9 years-old boy who is going to die soon because of his sickness. The other is Jonathan and he is the opposite of Karl. Karl is weak, small, sick and with crocked legs while Jonathan is a 13 years-old boy, tall with eyed-blue eyes and shining hair. He is brave and strong. Everybody would love to be like him.  

Jonathan Lion tells Karl stories about sagas and camp fires to make his brother forget about his soon death. He tells him about Nangiyala, a wonderful place where people goes after dying. It is a place where you can live adventures everyday. You can climb the trees and make a camp fire in the forest and sit by a small stream and fish, all those things you've longed to do so much. There is no one who tells you what to do or how to do it. Furthermore, there are still sagas in there.

One terrible day, a fire swept the house where they lived. Jonathan died when he attemps to save his little brother but he promised him to meet in Nangiyala. That's why people called him Jonathan Lionheart, because he saved his brother's life. After a while Karl will die too and they will meet in Nangiyala where they will live amazing adventures from morning till evening.

The brothers in Nangiyala

The book has to be read from a child perspective. The bad guys of the book are too evil. The leader of the bad ones is Tengil and he is probably as evil as Hitler was. His soliders, the tengilmen, do not have good feelings, they do not have morality, they only want to destroy the world of Nangiyala.
On the contrary, the good ones are too good. They are not strong but they are very intelligent. With their intelligence and cunning they will be able to pass through difficulties and will face the enemy. It is a story that all children want to read. I would say a little sad sometimes because the main character, who is Karl, is very pessimist and negative. But thanks to his beloved brother they will change his attitude and will become a Lionheart as well. I have to say also that the book has a lot of aspects of Nordic culture. For example:
  • Jonathan is a blue-eyed boy with blond hair, tall and strong. He's the model of goodness and he's the clear representation of Swedish boys at his age.
  • Karl's nickname is Skorpan (Rusky) since Jonathan likes these typical Swedish toasts or crusts.
  • Katla, the Tengil's dragon, is the name of an active volcano placed in Island.
  • Nangiyala is the spring in Sweden where everthing turns in green. There are roses, cherries, strawberries... There are beautiful lakes and hills... The houses are described as if they were cottages from Småland.
As you can notice, Astrid recieved a lot of influence from his beloved country. The book became so famous in Sweden than a film was made in 1977: Bröderna Ljonhjärta. The film was directed by Olle Hellbom and adapted for screenplay by Astrid Lindgren herself. In 1985 an extended version was made and it's been reguraly shown on TV. The film was recorded in Swedish and I've not been able to find the Spanish version but there's a version with subtitles in English.

The Brothers Lionheart is one of Astrid Lindgren's finest stories. A best-seller across the world and it is loved by generations of adults and children.