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lunes, 17 de septiembre de 2012



Sweden, the land of nature and cold winds in the northern Europe, is always seen as an adventure land for most of Spanish people who live in the warm places of the Southern Europe. A wild land full of vegetation and incredible landscapes create a special interest for many Spanish people who are got used to hot summers and constant sun. They can find something different, something colder. That’s the main reason why Sweden creates a special interest in them.


Climate is Sweden is cold, rainy and windy. That’s why nature is one the most amazing attractions you can find in Sweden. Sweden is nature and nature is Sweden as well. There is a special relationship between them. Nature is considered as the base from which Sweden is built. Their fertile farmlands of Skåne, the pastoral countryside of Småland, their deep forests and island are one of the few examples of how important nature is for Sweden. It’s a land of vegetation, mountains, lakes and glaciers…
Swedish people know about this. They know how important nature is for the progress of their country. That’s why they preserve nature so hardly. There are sustainable cities planning across the country that helps to reduce the use of electricity, water, sewage and refuse.

Spanish climate is very different from Swedish one. This is because Spain receives influence from the Mediterranean Sea which is hotter than Atlantic. That creates a special warmly climate all over the year. But of course, there are differences from North to South because Spain is a land of contrasts in terms of climate. The Southern part is warmly all the year, the Middle part is too hot in summer and cold in winter, and the Northern part of Spain is warmly in summer and cooler in winter.
Spain is very similar with Sweden in terms of amazing views and landscapes. However, there isn’t so much vegetation. This is because Spain is located in the South of Europe where it rains but not so intensively. Plants need water and they compete for getting it. That’s how the Mediterranean forest appears. In addition, Spain is very mountainous and there is a great variety of vegetation from the North to South. Sweden has a lot of vegetation but constant. Spain, on the contrary, has less vegetation but there are a higher variety of trees and bushes from North to South.
Spanish people are not so deeply concerned with nature like Swedish. Most of Spanish people believe that it’s important to preserve the nature and its importance. However, they don’t take its beliefs into practise. At least, not the majority of them.


Every country in the world needs a well-organized system for its own development. Sweden is solidly founded on democracy where everyone has the same rights and chances for living. Sweden entered in the EU because of its democratic system. In general terms, Spain and Sweden has a very similar organization in government. They are both a constitutional monarchy. The royal family has only representative and ceremonial functions. The king is the boss of the state. The most important person and he is conceived as a symbol of unity. The same situation happens in Sweden.
Democracy means ‘’power of people’’ in both countries. The real difference with Spain and Sweden is the way the society organizes the money. In Sweden, there are a lot of taxes people have to pay to maintain education, health care and social security. In Spain you must pay for having social security but not so much money. In my opinion, this is because Spain has more population than Sweden. Consequently, this also means more money and more resources. However, the Spanish system is not working in the last few years. Education and Health care are the most added institutions but it’s not enough. The state can ensure your education and Health Care until the age of 18. After this moment, you have to be enough prepared for getting a job and earn some money. Spanish education is good but is also expensive for a normal family. On the contrary, health care and social security is very developed and prepared to attend people. Spanish people pay a lot of money that goes to these institutions. Doctors are very well-prepared and their preparation is considered as one of the best in the world. However, medical facilities are not as modern as in Sweden.
From my point of view, Sweden society is much regulated. It’s very difficult to find some real problem that supposes an uncertainty for your future. You will be always insured. This situation doesn’t happen in Spain. Your future is insured but it also depends on your family income and the preparation you have gotten all over the years.


There are really good Swedish innovations that have changed the world. The most three important are IKEA, SKYPE and THE ZIPPER. Of course, a comparison between Spanish innovations and Swedish ones would be a big mistake. Spanish innovations are also good for the rest of the world. A Spanish person invented the drudge for cleaning, and Zara firm is one of the most known clothing firms in the world, Santander bank is considered as one of the most powerful in the world... So these two nations are pretty similar one another in terms of innovations.


Spain and Sweden are two European countries. They belong to the EU and play an important role in the progress of Europe.  In general terms, European countries have many similarities in culture but also many differences. That´s why Europe is probably the most varied continent with the highest number of countries in such a small area. It´s important to know that you can´t judge a culture from other cultural mentality. This is because prejudices make you a closed mind person. It´s important to free your mind and be open towards others way of life and other culture.
Spanish culture is similar with Swedish culture in some aspects. We all defend the individual’s rights; we are both considered as an individualistic society and its consequences. We all have more similarities than differences but it´s important to know what make us different:
1    Spanish people like to enjoy their life in the street. We are considered as ``the culture of the sun´´. We love to enjoy the sun if we can and if the weather is good. We are seen as ``happy people´´ who love to enjoy their life. However, Swedish people usually live their lives at home. This is because the weather many times doesn’t allow going out.
     Spanish people are considered as very friendly and talkative people. We love talking and meeting new people. Do not be scared if we talk with you while you are waiting for the bus. We love talking about the weather, about the family, about football, in the bus station, in the street, in the underground, in the kitchen… On the contrary, most of Swedish people prefer to be silent if there is nothing to talk about. And they do not even think in talking with someone they don´t know.
3    Spanish time for food is very different compared with the rest of the world. We usually eat at 2:00 p.m. and have dinner at 9:00 p.m. while Swedish people eat at 12:30 p.m. and have dinner at 7:00 p.m. This is very weird for me and it´s probably the most difficult think to change.
4    In terms of literature, Spain has experienced two golden centuries in literature. There are many good books which are considered as truly treasures. ``El Quijote´´ (Miguel de Cervantes), ``Rimas y leyendas´´ (Gustavo A.Bequer) are one of the many examples in the history of Spain. However, Swedish literature is not so important in the international world. But It doesn´t mean they are bad writers. There are many good books like Pippi Longstocking which is known internationally.
     In terms of music, we can find a lot of differences. Spanish music is made with the Spanish guitar. Flamenco, Rumbas, Gitaneo are very famous in Spain for their joy in the rhyme. Swedish music is more Indie Rock and Roll and Pop. Sweden is also one of the biggest export nations of music in the world. Lately, Swedish are creating very good electronic music as well.
To conclude, Spain and Sweden are very similar one another. But, at the same time, they are very different. We don´t have to compare if Swedish culture or Spanish culture is better than the other one. We must know them; we must learn with them and try to get the good things for each one. That will make you an open-minded person and make you understand better the way of life of each culture.